Press Release — oct. 06, 2022
TORONTO, ON – October 10, 2022 – PsyCan, the trade association for the legal Canadian psychedelic medicine and therapy sector, is cautiously optimistic about recently announced rules governing the use of psychedelic drugs for people in therapy by the government of Alberta. However, PsyCan believes that good government policy cannot be created in a vacuum.
“PsyCan exists to inform effective and evidence-based regulations,” said Nick Kadysh, Board Chair of Psychedelics Canada. “This step by Alberta is an acknowledgement that psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP) is a valuable tool to treat Canadians suffering from a variety of health conditions. This decision is further validation of decades of research showing psychedelics can effectively address some the most intractable mental health problems we face as a society, especially compared to current standards of care.”
However, PsyCan’s enthusiasm for this decision is tempered by practical concerns about both the limited consultative process that led to these regulations, and the resulting impacts they will subsequently have on patient access to psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. While the association applauds the initiative, we note that consultation with the sector appears to have been extremely limited. We’re also concerned that the regulations rely heavily on psychiatrists, while excluding any other qualified health care providers (such as anesthesiologists, neurologists, and general practitioners specializing in pain, mental health or substance use disorder) from prescribing and overseeing treatments, particularly regarding psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for chronic pain and neurological conditions. This could significantly impact access, and potentially lead to critically and chronically ill Canadians to seek psychedelic therapies via the black market or unregulated outlets.
PsyCan also believes that the public must be aware these regulations do not reduce barriers to access psychedelic medicines as supply chains are federally controlled. Patients should understand that access to most psychedelics is currently restricted to clinical trials or authorization under the Special Access Program.
“This is just the beginning,” added Liam Bedard, Coordinator of Psychedelics Canada. “We agree with Alberta that psychedelic medicine and therapy shows incredible promise, and we stand ready to assist Alberta and all other provinces and territories, in designing regulations that put patient safety first while ensuring safe, legal access. This will be an ongoing process, guided by science, and pursued in the interest of Canadian patients.”
For more information, please contact:
Liam Bedard
613 355 6437
Psychedelic Businesses Association, operating as Psychedelics Canada
Psychedelics Canada, incorporated as the Psychedelics Businesses Association, is the not-for-profit trade association for the legal psychedelics industry. Psychedelics Canada is dedicated to working collaboratively to advancing government regulation, scientific research, and the specific needs of the legal psychedelics industry. Member companies of Psychedelics Canada are devoted to collective action, and motivated by a belief in the promise of Psychedelic molecules as therapeutic treatments. Member companies represent research, development, manufacturing, and clinic operations. At the time of incorporation, Psychedelics Canada was the first national-level trade association for the legal psychedelics industry anywhere in the world.
Psychédéliques Canada, connue aussi comme étant l’Association de l’industrie des psychédéliques, est une association professionnelle à but non lucratif qui représente l’industrie légale des hallucinogènes. Elle mise sur la collaboration pour faire progresser la réglementation gouvernementale, avancer la recherche scientifique et satisfaire les besoins de l’industrie dans son ensemble. Les entreprises membres de Psychédéliques Canada croient fermement au pouvoir de la mobilisation collective ainsi qu’aux vertus thérapeutiques des molécules psychédéliques. Ces entreprises sont actives dans différents secteurs : recherche et développement, fabrication, activités cliniques. Lorsque Psychédéliques Canada a été officiellement constituée, il n’existait aucune autre association professionnelle nationale dans le monde se faisant la voix de l’industrie légale des hallucinogènes.
Liam Bedard, Coordonnateur